Spring Lawn- American Lawnscape Lawn Service

Let’s talk about the Spring Pre-Emergent Strategies

As spring unfolds, your lawn awakens from its winter slumber. However, this renewed growth also attracts unwanted guests – spring weeds.

The Threat of Spring Weeds:

Spring brings warmer temperatures and increased moisture, creating ideal conditions for a variety of broadleaf and grassy weeds. These weeds compete with your desired turfgrass for essential resources like water, sunlight, and nutrients. If left unchecked, they can quickly steal your lawn’s vitality and visual appeal.

March: The Prime Time for Pre-Emergent Control:

Our March treatment focuses on applying a premium liquid pre-emergent product.  This proactive approach offers several benefits:

  • Prevents Weed Seed Germination: The pre-emergent creates a barrier in the soil that disrupts the germination process of weed seeds. This effectively stops weeds before they even emerge, preventing them from establishing themselves in your lawn.

  • Long-Lasting Protection: Depending on the specific product used, pre-emergent applications can offer weeks or even months of protection against germinating weeds.

  • Targeted Application: Our experienced technicians will apply the pre-emergent precisely, ensuring it reaches the intended zone in the soil profile.

The Importance of Proper Watering:

For optimal effectiveness, pre-emergent products require proper watering.  After application, we recommend watering your lawn according to the product’s specific instructions. This activates the pre-emergent barrier and ensures it binds effectively with the soil particles.

Considerations for Overseeded Lawns:

If you recently received our overseeding service, we’ll adjust your March treatment plan.  Pre-emergents can hinder the germination of your newly planted grass seed. Instead, we’ll focus on alternative methods or adjust the timing of the pre-emergent application to ensure the success of both your existing and newly seeded lawn.

Don’t wait for spring weeds to take over your lawn!  Contact American Lawnscape today to schedule your March pre-emergent application. This proactive measure is key to preventing a weed invasion and ensuring a beautiful, weed-free lawn throughout the spring and summer months. 

Any Questions?

Reach out with any questions about your North Texas yard. Call or text The Turf Veteran at (214-308-1322).