Expert Outdoor Insect Control Treatment
Protect the health of your family and your lawn with our expert insect control treatment plan.
Let our Insect Control Experts help you take back control of your yard.

Lawn Brown Patches
Initially, what appears as a small brown patch that progresses into larger sections of damaged turf in your lawn could be a sign of a Chinch bug infestation. Chinch bugs are common in the South and in prolonged heat/drought conditions, chinch bugs can proliferate and cause catastrophic damage to the turf grass in a very short period. Our lawn treatment experts know exactly how to target the Chinch bugs safeguarding against further damage.

Fire Ant Mounds
Fire ant mounds in your lawn are easy to spot but challenging to destroy for good. Fire ants not only damage our lawns with their unattractive dirt mounds, but they can also pose a health threat to people and pets. Our expert insect treatment team develops and implements programs to take back control of your lawn.

Grub season is well underway and we all know the damage they do to our ability to enjoy the outdoors. Our grub control experts employ an innovative formula and targeted application technique to eliminate grubs in your yard. Let our grub experts give you back control of your lawn by your outdoor living space.