Winter Weed Profile: Henbit (Lamium amplexicaule)

Spring may be some time away, but lawns still face challenges from winter weeds. Here at American Lawnscape, we understand the importance of proactive weed control to maintain a lush, green lawn throughout the growing cycle. 

In this blog series, we’ll discuss our approach to winter weed control ( and how it sets your lawn up for success in the coming months.


From the Texas AggieTurf website, Henbit is a “Square-stemmed, winter annual weed with triangular-ovate leaves and bluntly to coarsely-toothed margins. Pinkish to reddish purple flowers in dense whorls subtended by leaf-like bracts”

Henbit can be difficult to control because it produces seeds that can remain viable in the soil for several years, allowing it to persist and regrow even after attempts to eradicate it have been employed. 

As a biennial, it completes two growing cycles, one in the first year and one in the second year, resulting in seed production. Biennials like Henbit can be more challenging because they often require multiple treatments over two years to exhaust their seed bank and prevent regeneration. 

Henbit tends to grow best in temperatures between 40 degrees and 70 degrees F. This temperature range makes it a weed that we see more of in late winter and early to late springtime in North Texas.

My suggestion for dealing with Henbit is to have a solid pre-emergent plan. The months of September, November and February should be on your schedule but it really comes down to timing in regards to ground temperature. If Henbit does break through, spray it early and often! DO not let it get rolling or the momentum may be hard to stop. 

Henbit sure is pretty . . . but it’s a weed and you need to get it away from your turf.  

Don’t let winter weeds steal the spotlight!

Contact American Lawnscape today to learn more about our winter weed control program. Our experienced technicians will assess your lawn and recommend the most effective solution to keep those pesky winter weeds at bay.

Any Questions?

As always, please reach out with any questions pertaining to your yard. You can reply or call/text (214-308-1322). We appreciate getting to work with you and appreciate your partnership.

Throughout this Winter Weed Blog Series, we’ll drill down into weed prevention strategies as well as specific weeds that you will likely see during winter months. 

Learn More Information 

2024/25 Winter Weed Series (#5 of8)

2024/25 Winter Weed Series (#4 of8)

2024/25 Winter Weed Series (#3 of 8)

2024/25 Winter Weed Series (#2 of 8)

2024/25 Winter Weed Series (#1 of 8)

Why it’s Important For Turf Health To Aerate Your Lawn

Understanding Watering is Critical to Your Lawn’s Health

What are Pre-emergent Products?

Why is Soil pH Critical?

Winter Treatments for Your Lawn

Winter Weed Treatments